“To care for those who once cared for us is one of the highest honors.” – Tia Walker
The holidays are a time to spend with family, to exchange gifts, and to celebrate. It’s also a time of giving and caring for others. In particular, it’s important to remember to care for our elderly loved ones.
It’s easy to get caught up in the rush of the holiday season, but it’s important to slow down and make sure your older relatives are properly cared for. Caring for a loved one may be as simple as visiting his home or long-term care facility or bringing him to your home to celebrate the holidays with you. It’s also good to ensure his home is properly heated and he is eating well.
You should also think about how you can help older relatives set up a plan that will allow you to assist them. Your loved one can sign a power of attorney naming you as his agent. This will allow you to assist him with his business and financial affairs, such as paying his bills, talking to people on his behalf, or managing his assets. A healthcare power of attorney will allow you to assist in healthcare decisions if he’s unable to make them for himself. If he were to have a fall or other accident, this would allow you to make sure he gets the care he needs.
This may also be a time to consider whether long-term care is needed or will be needed in the future. You can help him retain an attorney to talk about setting up a plan to best protect his assets and help him get assistance to pay for the care through state or Veterans’ benefits. An attorney can also help him set up an estate plan to ensure that his wishes are carried out when he passes away without the cost and hassle of probate court.