The Elrod Firm

Tax Considerations

Things Grandparents Should Know about the 529 College Savings Account

The 529 College Savings Account (“529 Plan”) is an estate planning and college savings tool that has its place in a grandparent’s well-rounded estate plan, but the pros and cons should be considered before heading down to your local bank or opening an account online. In addition, as an Elder Law practice, we also want you to be informed about the affect a 529 Plan may have on your long term care Medicaid eligibility.

Things Grandparents Should Know about the 529 College Savings Account Read More »

How can I protect my home?

Justin, I am homebound and in a wheelchair, but with my wife’s help, we’ve made things work at home for a long time now. A couple of weeks ago, she fell and broke her hip, and we can see that we’re going to need to look at other options. We only have one child, and I plan to deed my house into her name as quickly as I can to protect it from the nursing home. Are there any issues I should watch out for?

How can I protect my home? Read More »